Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Oh Fall...

Okay so today, it finally felt like fall. I know that today was warmer than it had been in a couple of days and the leaves started changing two weeks ago but for some reason today, I could no longer ignore all the signs of fall. Today I went outside to play with my kids at after school. Even though the sun was warm and I was hot in my pants and tshirt, I could not help but notice that the heat was no longer that sticky, sweaty, summer heat that comes with a summer in Kentucky. Instead there was a crispness in the air and the sun was just a little too dim for 4:30 in the afternoon.

The thing I hate most about the fall is that the days are getting shorter. I can get used to the fact that I have to go back to school and can no longer lay around the pool all day. What I cannot get used to is waking up at 7:30 am and it still being dark outside. I cannot get used to going to dinner and coming out at an early 7:30 and it being night. The short days that shows that winter is just around the corner, drive me crazy. No I mean literally crazy. Winter is an impossible time for me, when all I can think about is laying in my warm cozy bed and never getting out. Fall is the season that walks in the room looking sunny and pretty, wearing beautiful leaves and offering pumpkins. But what we fail to see is that when we let fall come to the party, he also brought winter with his black coat, he brings sleepiness and a cold wind that chills you to the bone.

Don't get me wrong, I love fall. As a matter of fact, when I thought about writing this entry, I thought I'd make a list of all that I love about fall. Sorry I got a little side-tracked with my detest of winter (sneaky season). So as not to disappoint, I will go ahead with that list.

1. The beautiful warm, not hot/not cold, weather
2. Halloween candy, or really any candy
3. Reese's shaped like pumpkins because the peanut butter is creamier
4. Day light savings lets us fall back, which means an hour more of sleep
5. Dressing up as something awesome
6. Painting pumpkins. I did this tonight, mine has paisleys on it and Gabby's has a carrot.
7. Thanksgiving Break, a time for family and getting a break from school
8. Kelley and Sarah and Dad's birthday
9. Ghost gel stickies to put on my window
10. Blacklights for just a dollar at Walmart (because apparently they are Halloween-y)

Okay so that's about it. I'm going to keep on enjoying fall even though I don't want winter to come. And I hope that it stays beautiful like this well into February. Well I can always hope.


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