Sunday, November 21, 2010

Oh the Memories!

I am so excited for Thanksgiving!!!! Only three more days and I will be home, lounging on my fabric couch (as opposed to my pleather one) with my dog Daisy in my lap and my mom in the chair next to me. I was thinking today about how weird it will be having Thanksgiving dinner because it has been two years since I last sat around the table eating turkey and my mom's fruit salad.

Last year Kelley and I were in Rome. We were having a blast but with it being the end of our semester in London, and our last major trip, we were only eating one meal a day. I can't remember exactly what I ate for Thanksgiving in Europe but I'm pretty sure, it was probably cheese pizza and maybe some red wine. Maybe if I was feeling extravagant, it was something very Italian, like gnocci. It was delicious but not being in Owensboro wrapped up in a sweater, eating turkey and watching football, really contributed to the homesickness that I was already feeling at that point in the semester.

I cannot believe that it has already been over a year since I lived in London. There is not a day that goes by that I do not think about all the amazing things I saw and did while I was there. There are days where I miss it so much that I think, that my life may have peaked during that amazing semester. But I also think back to those days where towards the end of the trip where I wanted nothing more than to come back to America, see my family and eat Mexican food. Isn't it funny how no matter where you are, you always wish for something else. I've learned that I am never satisfied.

I miss always having something to do, no matter what time of day or day of the week it is. I miss riding the tube and being able to go anywhere without having to deal with bad drivers. I miss going to O'Neals with the girls, and being known as "those crazy American girls". I miss Cafe Forum and the chocolate cake that they served with ice cream, even though they thought that was crazy. I miss the endless shopping at super cheap places like Primark and H&M. I miss paying $16 for an airplane ticket to a country that I never in a million years thought I'd set foot in, such as Norway. I miss living with Kelley and Lew and Emily and Libby. Sometimes I even miss being forced to go to boring museums. There are so many things that I miss every single day, but what is even sadder, is the thought that if I ever went back, maybe even to live, it would never be the same. I would never be able party every day without a care in the world except for 2 pm class the next day.

I've pretty much decided that no matter where I go in life, I am always going to miss the past. However, instead of being discouraged by this, I feel hopeful. Whenever I think that the best days are behind me, I am blessed with whole new experiences and even better memories. So for now, I am going to focus on getting through the next three days until I get to go home and I will be anxiously waiting for the next great thing to come.


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