Sunday, March 20, 2011

Beach, Books and Best Friends.

Yesterday we got back from the beach in Delray Beach, Florida. We had an amazing spring break that consisted of mostly just laying on the beach and drinking strawberry daiquiris. I love the beach so much. Every time I go, I try to think of ways that I can just live there forever.

I went with four of my very best friends. I love these girls more and more everyday but nothing builds a bond like driving 32 hours (16 each way UGH) in a small car through the night. This included two stops at Steak-n-Shake in the middle of the night and a whole lot of road rage. However, I cannot complain too much about this trip as it was a lot less eventful than the trip last year where we broke down and had to be towed a 110 miles and had a bubble on the top that threatened to fly off at any minute.

While laying on the beach I got some pretty good reading done with my Barnes and Noble Nook. I feel like I should tell anyone that will listen about the first book I read called Heaven is For Real: A true story of a boy's trip to heaven and back. This is one of those rare books that will forever stick with you. Though I don't want ruin it for anyone that would like to read it, a short synopsis is that it is about a little boy, Colton, that gets sick and has to have serious surgery. During that time testifies to visiting heaven and meeting Jesus and his great-grandpa and sister that was miscarried. His story so powerfully tells of the great love Jesus has for us and all the joy and happiness that exists when we get to heaven.

The biggest thing I felt about this story was that heaven is such a real place. Having been raised in a Christian home, I have always been told about heaven and even as I've gotten older I have read what the bible says about it, but this was the first time I really have thought about it in the sense that one day I will truly be there in the presence of the God of the Universe. The book was thrilling and touching at the same time, and I can honestly say that I have considered what heaven is going to be like a lot more since I read it less than a week ago.

Okay so now I have to confess that my challenge was an utter failure. Not that that comes as a real surprise to me or anyone else. However, I have not completely ignored my blog for the past month but instead have been far more thrilled with the idea of making a personalized background for my blog. I have been obsessed with learning to use Photoshop to make the background and writing code, that far exceeds my Computer Programming 101 class, to make it exactly like I want it. And then when I finally get everything perfect, I make another one and start again. So I cannot promise that I will have a thousand new entries this month, or even 10 but I will promise that before long, by blog will get a whole new look again.


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