Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A Challenge

This past weekend, I have spent countless hours on Facebook. It truly amazes me how much of a time zapper that stupid website is, not that I have any intention of cutting back my facebook time. One of the more recent things that i have seen that I found interesting was this crazy 30 Day Picture Challenge. Now I am usually not one to jump on any bandwagons, especailly when it comes to facebook (i.e. Farmville, event week status, ect.) but I decided this is something that I would really like to do. However, so as not to completely fall into the crowd and clog up everybody's newsfeed, I am choosing to do it on my blog, because quite frankly you don't have to read it.

I am not making any promises about being completely consistent with this everyday deal. I am a little unreliable when it comes to my blogs (this was really brought to my attention when I logged on and saw that the last time I even thought about blogging was the beginning of January) but I do promise to give it my best shot. So here goes nothing...

Natural Science Museum in Cardiff, Wales

Apparently on day one I am supposed to post a picture of myself and ten random facts about myself. Hmmm,,,

1. I want to be a nurse that works with babies (NICU or Labor and Delivery) because I adore babies.
2. I was named after my greatmama Emma and I share my middle name with my mommy.
3. The best five months of my life was when I lived in London with my best friends and traveled all over Europe.
4. I currently live with two of the greatest women I know.
5. I am a very picky eater. I do not like any food that is green and I am very suspicious of all meat.
6. I have been obsessed with the Sims for over half of my life.
7. I love butterflies because I think they are beautiful but also because they are associated with Coldplay concerts.
8. I am addicted to Dr. Pepper. I have to have one everyday by about 2:30 pm or my head goes crazy.
9. I am easily bored and constantly looking for something extraordinary to do.
10. The most important thing about me is that I am a child of God and he has saved my soul more than once.

Okay well day one complete. I will be back tomorrow.


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